In the previous posts (Intro, Post 1, Post 2, Post 3), we established the arrival of the Sinese (Chinese) and their Atlantean survivors escaping through Esperia to arrive in the area of East and South-East Asia. Intermixed through the passing of millennia, the Sino-Atlantean wave created a form of hybrid clans, some with more Mongolic characteristics, some with more white-ish ones.
Note that the definition of Mongols as an ethnicity came into being much later, but the genetic facts remain.
There has been much effort to erase or obscure that part of history from the books, which later ended up with the historical distortion that some of these clans became “indigenous” to the areas of the Middle East. Here, we shall prove that the mainstream is wrong.
The Indo-Europeans
The Indo-European theory was first introduced by William Jones, a judge who resided in India, in 1786 as a linguistic attempt to explain the similarities in the languages and writings of a variety of civilizations that connected Europe and Asia.
The mainstream historians used this as a foundation to portray “movements” of population from Asia to Europe, thus implying that the Western Civilization came to be because of the East. Linguistic similarities are NOT population migrations. As we proved in our prior post, it was Aegeans from Europe that migrated to Asia, due to the near-extinction level events.
In short, the linguistic similarities did not happen from Asia to Europe, but from Europe to Asia, up to the longitude of India. What happened northeast of that region, we shall breakdown here.
The Hidden Dragon’s Counterstrike

After arriving to the southwest Asia, the Sines/Chinese waged a war against the resident Yunnan clans to establish the vital space for settlement.
Speaking of Yunnan, it is worthwhile to breakdown the word. The word Yun, in Chinese, means “clouds” or “above the clouds”, while Nan - in one of its meaning - translates to children. In short, the people the Chinese attacked, they considered as “Children of the clouds”. Interesting, no? Some findings sure claim so.

Exhausted by their efforts to establish themselves in a new land, the Chinese leaders needed aid to establish their position and seek their revenge against the ravaged Aegean clans of Pelasgians and Dravidians. Thus, the war-by-proxy doctrine was formed.
Negotiations as a form of Subjugation
The ruling Chinese Dynasty between the years 2,205 BC/BCE and 1,766 BC/BCE was the Xia. Their first priority was to secure their position from the neighboring Dravidian clans beyond the Himalayas and then attempt a push toward the West.
The hybrid clans northwest of their location did not - initially - respond well to the Imperial demands, which resulted in clashes throughout the millennia. However, there were the times that the Sino-Atlantean armies, composed of clans that emerged from the intermixing with the local, conquered populations, eventually marched against the West.
The Seven Hordes
This much sounds like the Seven Plagues of Egypt or Aegipt (former land of Aegis). Nevertheless, let us begin —
One of the main war preferences of the Sino-Atlantean clans was the use of horses. Thus, the term “man on a horse” attained its own description/title: Turanian. If we look at the word from an etymological perspective, it contains the synthetic “uranian”, which originates from Uranides (Ουρανιδής) that in Hellenic translates to “person from the sky.” This also coincides with the title given by the African Dogon tribe to the first visitors from another world: Uranides, which means “people who originate from the sky.”
However, for this subject, we shall remain Earth-bound.
The First Horde
This is the most obscure one, where the mainstream scholars did everything in their power to conceal. However, we were able to uncover enough information about it. Since this is the most important in our history, I shall devote more space to its origins and actions.
Its campaign started around the year 2,200 BC/BCE, with an initial assault against China, after a failed subjugation attempt by King Yu. It is unknown if he was killed or retired during the initial campaign of the hybrid clans of the steppes of the later known as Mongolia. These clans go by different names, depending on the area toponyms, their rulers, and their linguistic preferences. This has been true for much of the known world at the time, which led to the initial structures of nationality - a term that rarely included racial characteristics, especially in Asia.
The names of the clans that participated in this campaign was Hyksos, the war clan, and the Elamites, the organizers.
At this point, many will jump and claim that the Hyksos existed in the southwest Asia, around the area of Canaan, before they entered Egypt. This is true, but prior to that, they were Tatars, which means their origin was Turanian from the Steppes of Mongolia. Also, the Hyksos are considered by the modern scholars to be a Semitic tribe, with their campaign in Egypt coinciding with the time of Moses.

On the Elamites, we read:
“The name is also used (as in Akkadian) for the ancient country of Elam in what is now southern Iran, whose people the Hebrews believed to be the offspring of Elam, son of Shem (Genesis 10:22). This implies that the Elamites were considered Semites by the Hebrews.”
Much of their records have been wiped clean or falsified (like we have encountered in the newer scriptures), but if we use the mathematical epagogic method:
Elamites = Semites
Hyksos = Semites
Hyksos = Turanian Tartars in origin, thus:
Elamites = Turanian Tartars in origin.
Conclusively, both the Hyksos and the Elamites originated from the steppes of what was later known as Mongolia. Translation, both clans were the offsprings of Sino-Atlantean ancestors.

Open parenthesis:(
The structure of the Semitic were separated in Habras or Havras (gatherings of tribes), where each one had its leader, the Khan or Han. Thus, the clan leader was called Habra-Khan or Habra-Han. Does it remind you of the name Abraham? Because that’s where it - etymologically - comes from.
Closing parenthesis.)
Prior to Egypt, the two clans reached Mesopotamia, where they subjugated the regions of Babylonia and Assyria. In honor of their former capital, Urga, they founded the city of Ur and - not long after - according to the book of Enoch, the city of Zion was founded.
However, it was not long before Babylon revolted and brought Assyria as an ally. Their combined armies overthrew the occupation of the Hyksos and Elamites and eventually razed the capital city of Zion. This event became a calling cry, when one of the priests wrote down Psalm 137 “by the rivers of Babylon”. It was a grieving set of verses about the loss of Zion due to Babylon’s “persecution.”
This was the time and place where the first monotheistic religion was born.
The Importance of the First Horde
The Chinese word Yun-Dai or Yun-Di, which originates from the word Shang-Di or Shang-Dai, “the highest god amongst all other deities” is a variation that means “God of the Clouds”.
One of the issue, many times referenced in scriptures, was the division between the people of the Semitic tribes. Habra-Khan or Abraham sought to built unity in his people, who he named as the “God’s Chosen under the Covenant of God.”
Where does the word Yun-Dai or Yun-Di fit in? — you may ask.
At the time, there was no J letter in their alphabet, so, there was no place named Judea or people called Jews. They became known as Ιουδαίοι (in Hellenic), which is directly translated as Yudei. As we can clearly see, the original ethno-religious name of the Jews is based on the definition of a Chinese Deity.
This means that the entire origin of the religious divine leads back to China, and more specifically to their mythological Jade (Yade) White Rabbit of the Moon. Does that ring any bells in regards to the “Q” reference of the “White Rabbit”?
If we notice further, the Yudei (later known as Jews) literally named themselves ‘gods’. Not ‘God’s chosen’, but gods.
I understand that finding out that the origins of all monotheistic religions come from China is not something people want to hear, but it is what it is.
In any case, after the rebellion of the Babylon-Assyrian coalition, the Elamite-Hyksos coalition, under the new religious-ethnological definition of Jews, invaded Egypt, which they took control of, until they were expelled. The rest is - somewhat - history.
The Second Horde
With the rise of the Shang Dynasty in China, a new coalition took place between the Chinese and the hybrid Mongolian clans. This time, it was to secure the land of China from opposition from the Yunnan clans of the East. This campaign, round 1,600 BC/BCE was aimed at the island of Japan or Yapan or Apo-Ynnan (Άπω Ιονία in Hellenic) in the otherwise known as the “Land of Ainu”. That land was home to the Yunnanian/Ionian Pelasgian people.
To this point, it is worthwhile to mention that the Mongolian intermix with the White race of the region gave birth to the Japanese, a race that the Chinese Dynasties considered as impure. Hence the ageless hatred between Japan and China. The events of World War 2 were just the “cherry on top”.
Also, in regards to the Turanian-Hyksos-Elamite invasion of China is what also created the question of “purity” within the Chinese mainland, which became the basis of a prolonged and “secret” civil war between the various clans and Dynasties, so as to preserve the racial purity of the land.
The Third Horde
This was one of the more insidious campaigns, as the Horde itself assumed the Hellenic name of “Dories” (Doric) to invade the Western world and especially Hellas/Greece - posing as a ‘returning population’. This took place around the year 1,200 BC/BCE, but the Hellenes/Greeks eventually pushed this wave off and the Horde ended up leaving to the West to found the original city of Rome. A place that King Pyrrhus of Epirus attempted to besiege later.
However, this wave was able to infiltrate the Lacedaemonian priest orders that were instrumental in the rise of animosity between Sparta and Athens. In short, they wished to turn Sparta into a vessel for control over the entirety of the Hellenic World.
King Leonidas was wise to defy these religious orders and went out to meet Xerxes’ invading army in 480 BC/BCE. As an act of vengeance, the priest orders worked hard on raising the animosity between the two major city-states, Athens and Sparta, which led to the Peloponnesian War in 431 BC/BCE.
The Fourth Horde
This wave began around 450 BC/BCE and set up the foundation of Europe’s deeper infiltration. They invaded Europe under their leader Atl or Atil, also known as Attila (reference to their Atlantean origin) who led the clan of the Huns.
Their path took them above the Caspian and the Black Sea, where they broke into two waves. The first descended toward Thrace and crossed the Bosphorus to settle in the Asia Minor region of Ionia. The second continued its path toward Central Europe to reach as far as Bavaria.
These Turanian-origin clans eventually settled in the region, intermixing with the local populations. Initially violently, but as they grew roots, it became the ‘new normal.’ It is why we have ‘scholars’ these days claim that many of the European civilizations have Turanian or Tur-kic roots in their DNA.
The Fifth Horde
This was the most massive in scope. In 1209 AD/CE, under the leadership of Genghis Khan, it is the first time we encounter the establishment of the name Mongols. The main composition of this wave was Uighur clans that were fed up with the Chinese Dynasties’ orders and assaulted China first.
Uighur? Does this have anything to do with the CCP’s hatred of them to this day? This was a rhetorical question.
After destroying the Western Xia in 1227 AD/CE, they defeated the Jin Dynasty in 1234 AD/CE and then the Song Dynasty in 1279 AD/CE. These catastrophic defeats created further internal turmoil within the Chinese leaders, who were seeing their genetic purity challenged.
These were not the only invasions they performed and there is ample information available, since they happened closer to our modern day.
Also referenced as the Golden Horde, the Mongols/Uighur advanced as far the Muscovite regions and Finland, where they essentially ‘cleared’ most of the resident Scythian populations. Another wave settled in Central Europe, founding the land of Uighuria, later known as Hungary, and the remaining parts joined forces with the Hun-origin populations of Saxony to reach all the way to southwest England.
The Sixth Horde
Due to the success of the Golden Horde, two more waves advanced against the West in a quick succession. The sixth Turanian wave, originated from the established Seljuk Empire, which reinforced the hold of their ancestor, Atl or Attila in the region of Turkey.
After the clashes with the Crusades, they advanced to the northwest in 1121 AD/CE, up to the region of today’s Georgia (country), recruiting mercenaries from the previous Horde invasions, especially between the Caspian and the Black Sea.
Eventually, they were routed and elements of their army returned, while the mercenary divisions broke up and headed southwest to conquer the descendants of Ancient Illyria and form the country of Albania, named after the Caucasian river they originated from between the end of the 12th century AD/CE and the mid 13th century AD/CE.
Despite the claims that the Albanians were fully Christianized, they always declared themselves to be Muslims (allies of the Seljuk Turks). Their claims of being Christians - from time to time - was a political stance.
The Seventh Horde
The seventh Horde is the source of all irony. Under their leader, Tamerlane, attempted a campaign toward Europe, after invading Bagdad in 1401 AD/CE, but were eventually stopped by the resident Seljuk and Turanian Huns of Attila that were in control of the Asia Minor territories. In short, it was a form of ‘civil war’ around self-interest.
Due to the failure of that campaign, Tamerlane turned on China and more specifically the ruling Ming Dynasty. This campaign did not end well, as he died soon after, in 1405 AD/CE.

Now, you have the Big Picture. The Great War between Aegis and Atlantis never really ended. The Nation of the Dragon was merely displaced, took its time to become established in the Far East and use proxies to infiltrate and wage war against the Aegis survivors.
These wars were military, genetic (via rapes and later intermixes), and mental, via the concept of organized religions.
Nowadays, the Nation of the Dragon, or China, under the rule of its Dynasties that essentially power the CCP, have become more active through subversion. They have flooded the Western Nations with illegal immigrants, corrupted the institutions, and have used the Jewish population (most of whom are unaware) to open the floodgates into our worlds. This is happening in a similar manner as it happened in Toledo and in Constantinople.
If we dive into the clandestine part of the Master Lodges of masonry, it is no mistake that one of them, that is essentially controlling the US lodges these days is called -AOA, where the acronym stands for Adeptis Ordo Atlantis (Order of the Atlantean Descendants). We analyzed it in this post.
Now, you know why there is so much hatred against the White Race. It is rooted deep in antiquity and is not something new. This is because the Dragon considers the White people to be the most dangerous ones. Once they are gone, the remaining populations will be a simple sweep operation - as I spoke about in the article about the planned WW3 the plans of which first emerged in 2003.
With all the above information in place, you will begin noticing the geo-strategic patterns that are happening all over the world as you are reading this.
As to what is the bigger End Game. This will require a different form of coverage in the future.
Hi Vasileios,
where did the Dories come from ? And, since they went to rome, does it mean that they were whites ?
It doesn''t seem that the latins/romans had mongolic/turkish traits.