The Great War and the Founding of China Part 2
The end of the Golden Age and the beginning of the darker periods
A Quick Recap
Deciphering the myth of Perseus and Andromeda, we see that the Ancients were speaking about a vessel (or fleet) with experimental technology that took down a planet they referred to as Medusa. The words used in that myth, as in “cut the head” could only mean that the specific planet was a capital, a home world.
As a result, the ruler of that world, referred to as Ceto, via the impenetrable Leviathan (or Levan AKA the Moon) arrived in our solar system, close to our Earth shortly after the return of Perseus. This means that monstrosity was in pursuit.
To the above, I will add the following, that could pose as a question to some of you.
Why was Medusa the only mortal Gorgon in the myth?
Mortality means vulnerability. Opposite of her, the Leviathan is described as immortal with impenetrable armor. Thus, the comparison between the two can only be defined as the difference between a planet that hosts life (serpents/dragons) and mega-structure that is designed to be a war planet.
The film Moon Fall of 2022 has been a first attempt at predictive programming, perhaps when - or if - the time comes for the activation of the infamous Project Blue Beam. Only reality is, as usual, far different that what Hollywood portrays.

The Great War
Upon arrival into our solar system, the Leviathan or Levan (our Moon) essentially entered a region of space that was still controlled by the council many call “The Pantheon.” As we analyzed in this post, the word “Theos” is the one who can see everything from high up. Therefore, Pan-Theos translates to the one who can see all. In short, the Leviathan encountered the Ruling Council.
The Negotiations
Here is where things begin to become more interesting.
On the Clandestine front, it was said that initial negotiations were made between Levan, which - according to their sources - did not arrive alone.
Thus, our question would be:
If the Leviathan/Levan was pursuing Perseus, why did they not engage immediately?
The likely answer is that they encountered an opposition waiting on them. This is something HRG describes, but we have no way of telling for certain. The fact that these negotiations took place is a strong indicator that they are correct.
So, what happened?
Continuing on the Clandestine front, negotiations took place initially, so as to not engage in a warfare that would cause irreversible damage to the solar system.
The Descent to Atlantis
The negotiations concluded with the Council allowing the Leviathan and its escorts to disembark their so-claimed “refugees” on the planet, and especially Atlantis. The one rule was that the population quota should be kept at 1:108 in order to respect the civilization and the homogeneity of the people.
The true intentions of the Leviathan/Levan behind this agreement, however, may have been different. To create a ‘slave’ labor force to extract minerals from the planet for self use. Mainly, they appeared to be interested in:
Crystals - for energy/field focus,
Gold - as an energy conductor,
Titanium - for hull armoring, and
Zirconium - for armor and repair support.
If we look at the WEF agenda today:
15-minute cities that will lock everyone out of the natural land,
Mineral-hungry '“Green Energy”,
Depopulation agenda that will make humanity more controllable,
Things are starting to make sense a bit, no?
You may suspect, why is this entire WEF plan taking place now? I will expand on this subject at a later time, however, what I can say for now is that most of the Levan’s forces were occupied with the Titanium mining of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The remnants of the destroyed planet Phaethon or Malek. This is one reason.
Back to our timeline.
So, who were these “refugees”?
At this point, a known author of the name Raymond Drake, in his book “Gods and Spacemen Throughout History: An overview of the ancient alien phenomenon” says in the very beginning of Chapter Ten:
The Chinese believe their earliest ancestors came down from the Moon to establish their Celestial Empire on Earth… — Chinese authors spoke of sui sing, luminous globes, saying ‘From antiquity until our own days we cannot count the sui sing which have descended.’
Is that true? Well, some discoveries in South-West China start to support this:

The carved antennas we see in the pictographs kind of remind us the head crest of another symbol. The Chinese Imperial Dragon.
This bears the question: Were the Chinese the intended slave labor race?
In the video we posted here, there are mentions in the original scriptures that the first men who arrived on our planet were all male and were created to serve their masters. It was only after a while that a woman was formed. Does that remind you of the Genesis story about Adam and Eve?
If that is so, then that would make the creator of these people, YHWH himself, who - according to the aforementioned video, was described as being the Leviathan. I believe at this point it would prudent to consider that he was the High Commander of the Moon/Levan, not Leviathan (the Moon) itself.
Additionally, in Book of Enoch, Enoch himself says that he entered into what religion describes as Heaven, but he described it as a mothership with a contained living world - and that the ‘god-Eloh’ he saw, was that vessel’s Commander. I am attaching a video near the end of this article, at the “Return” section.
The request was granted, and - according to Chinese legends - the Sui-Sing spheres filled the sky, coming down from the Moon. Consequently, it was the time of the appearance of the Dragons on Earth.
Interestingly enough, those were the years that signaled the “fall of the Atlanteans from virtue,” as Plato describes. In combination to that, HRG believes that the pre-agreed population quota was violated, which created friction between YHWH and the Pantheon. This was the cause of the Divine Council, as referenced in the Old Testament.
During that meeting, YHWH expressed the desire to be the only ruler, the only God. His demand may not have produced the results he wished for, which gave ground for the Battle of the Gants, also known as Gigantomachy.
The part where mortals became part of this battle initiated —
The War
Plato’s work Critias abruptly ends prior to the speech of Zeus to the rest of his peers, regarding the threat of Atlantis. However, we do receive some information from him and from Plutarch as well.

The Atlantean campaign, or the “unleashing of Ceto” (or the unleashing of the Dragon, YHWH’s wrath) began both against the northern Ethiopia, also mentioned in the myth of Perseus and Andromeda, and Europa. Two armies on either side of the Mediterranean Valley, as the sea hadn’t formed yet. This campaign was to be the Dragon’s Strike to establish the first New World Order.
It took the Athenians time to prepare their military for this unprecedented assault, but once ready, they marched to deflect the main Atlantean force in the Illyrian Fields. Upon victory, they pushed the Atlanteans back to their shores, liberating the lands that were previously enslaved.
It was during those days of the war that the Hellenes named their new enemy that had come down via the Sui-Sing spheres: Sines.
Sines (plural) or Sinas (singular) became synonymous to: Destroyer, Deceiver, Backstabber, Rapist, Mass Murderer. Ever since, it became their actual identity: Sina. Feel free to do a quick search on it and see where it leads you: China.
The Retreat and the Cataclysm
Due to their exposure to the Atlantean and Hellenic/Aegean civilizations, many of the Sines began to defy the orders of their superiors and the wishes of YHWH. It is claimed that a growing number of them would dissent to the advancing armies of Aegis during the counter-assault against Atlantis.
This form of insolence and “corruption” of his slave race enraged YHWH. He gave the order to his loyal subjects to evacuate the Atlantean island complex from the West, next to Esperia (America) and to the South East, toward Ethiopia (Africa).
The year was approximately 9,650 BC/BCE, when the Leviathan or Levan or the Moon came closer to the Earth with the then seeming intention to enter orbit.
What is interesting is that it wasn’t just the Hellenes who observed this. The civilization of the Tiwanaku of Bolivia noticed as well :
“We have at present no means of determining when Tiahuanaco rose to supreme height. or when its culture was obliterated, and naturally, the calendar itself can tell us nothing about that. It will certainly not have been in the historical past but well back in the prehistoric. It must indeed have occurred before the planet Luna was captured as the earth’s present moon, about 12,000 years ago.”
The Popol-Vuh of the Quiché Maya describes the event of the Moon’s approach:
“Then the waters of the sea rumbled, with the will of the heart of the Sky - Urakan - and a great flood fell on the heads of those beings… and they sunk from a thick liquid that fell from the Sky… the face of the Earth darkened and a thick black rain began to fall, rain like the day, rain light the night. A loud noise boomed above their heads like fire. The people started running toward their homes, pushing one another, filled with despair. They wanted to climb upon the rooftops of their houses, but they turned into dust. They wanted to climb the trees, but the trees trembled and threw them on the ground. They wanted to run into the caves, but their entrances became sealed before them. Water and fire colluded in the world catastrophe of the great flood before the fourth creation.”
Notice that the Quiché Maya at the time lived in Guatemala. Notice how one of the red “retreat arrows” above passes directly from their region. Thus, it is not strange for the Mayan’s to have received this information from the survivors themselves.
The Cause of the Catastrophe
As described by Plato, Atlantis was a complex of islands, which when combined, were as large as a continent. There was no single volcano that could do this and there is no description of a volcano in the region.
Thus, the most logical explanation is the following:
The approach of the Moon was not a smooth one. When it arrived, the process of deceleration for such a massive construct is no easy feat, especially when encountering the gravitational forces of a planet, such as Earth. In addition, YHWH, as one of the Elohim according to the Ancient Bible, wanted to teach a lesson to those who defied him.
Thus, we believe that the Moon made its approach above Atlantis itself. The gravitational pull between the two bodies affected the weaker one the most. The stone-crust covered Earth and not the Titanium armored Moon. Our planet’s crust lifted from the mantle as the Moon passed over, and once the crossing was complete, the Earth’s gravity regained its full force and the crust slammed back on the magma.
A force of that kind would be enough to send a ripple through the Earth’s magma and ignite every volcano within a significant distance.
If you think about it, a simple rain, no matter how powerful could have never caused massive earthquakes that would bring down houses, mountains, and rain fire directly from the sky. Even if there were a large volcano in the area, powerful eruptions cause the formation of land via lava, not the submerging of entire continents. Such an massive event is a tectonic plate matter.
The Return
After the end of the Great War of Atlantis with events from the Battle of the Giants, Zeus declared that he would have to depart to avoid further damage on the Earth. However, he made the promise to return.
Hesiod speaks of the destructive return of Zeus, with peace and justice coming with him,
The last prediction of the Oracle of Delphi speaks of the return of Apollo, with this time, staying forever,
In his work, “Προμηθεύς Λυόμενος” (Solvent Prometheus), Aeschylus says that the fall of Zeus would happen only if he “slept with Thetis” (nymph of the sea), which deciphers as in ‘dying in space’; however, this never happened, thus a return is ‘expected.’
There are numerous other cultures who claim the same thing, with the names of their deities. The religion professor below explains it.
It is also said that Zeus broke his forces into three parts. One left our solar system to bring reinforcements, one returned to the secondary command center of Uranus, and the third has fortified within the entrances of the Earth’s North and South Pole.
Let us return to the aftermath of the disaster.
The Esperia Passage
The disaster that annihilated Atlantis and changed the face of the Earth forever ended Hesiod’s Golden Age of Humanity. The survivors took much time to recover and begin to rebuild their civilization, at least on the East of the new Atlantic Ocean.
The Aegeans who broke shore to the west, near New York were never heard of again. The ones who left to the east, evacuating the Atlanteans they could carry, many made it. The reason we are saying this is because there are descendants of Atlantis in the region.
While the Atlanteans who escaped to the East, those who were saved by the Aegeans, became later known as Berbers, who later became target of the Basques. The latter group is said to have been Atlanteans who were loyal to YHWH and the Sines.

On the Esperia side, today’s Northern America, the Sino-Atlantean populations spread across the northern continent, intermixing with the historically referenced Dravidian populations of the region. Plutarch describes that during the years of Atlantis, Hellenes used to live in Esperia. Homer refers to it as the Land of Esperis. Yes, Odysseus journey did not last 10 years by him being trapped in the small Aegean Sea. If it was, it would have taken him 10 months to reach Ithaca. But that is a giant chapter by itself.
Proof that the bulk of the Sines people passed from the Northern Esperia/America can be traced from the outcome of their racial intermixing. In the photos below, you can see the Mongolic characteristics that are more prevalent on the northern Native Americans than those of the south.

After their passage from Alaska toward the Far East Asia region, known at the time as Yunan, the Sinese and the then intermixed Atlanteans settled, thus founding China and its peripheral countries, prior to the ‘creation’ of the Mongol clans.

The new Nation of the Dragon would then hide, as per the myth of the “Hidden Dragon”, until it grew in strength to wage a new war against the Tiger, AKA the Pelasgian and Dravidian population of Asia and Europe. This, we will cover in another post, which will take us all the way to the Era of Alexander the Great.
As to why does the Dragon despise the White Pelasgians and the White-to-Tan Dravidians, that is another long chapter by itself.