The Recent Clandestine Clashes
Since 1989, perhaps earlier, two opposing clandestine groups unleashed a public information warfare per the origins of the past civilizations, in an attempt to counter one another.
On one side, there were the theosophic masonic lodges of “Epsilon Team” and the “Olympian Lily Eagles” (known as Fleur-De-Lis).
Some Perspective
The “Olympians” originated from the Order of the Fleur De Lis Eagles, which was a continuity of the old Templar Order. One of its founders was Dimitrios Platonos Semelas, who later became the leader of the Crimson Cross Brotherhood of the East. Their role was more on the ‘esoteric’ and ‘religious’ aspect.
The “Epsilon” Team on the other hand, claimed to have been founded by the creators of the “Filiki Etairia”, a team of influential people who supported the Hellenic Revolution of 1821. This claim was proven to have been fabricated, as this ‘organization’ was founded in 1967. Their role was on the ‘scientific’ and ‘ethnocentric’ aspect.
Both those groups teamed up and sought to set up the conditions for the creation of a global religion in the cradle of Western Civilization. In short, to combine Christianity with the ancient Hellenic Pantheon, to create a Pan-Religion they would call Sufism (!). They went as far as to claim that Jesus Christ was Apolloneus Tianeas.

On the other hand —
Their opposition was a clandestine group of researchers, mainly active and former military and industrialists, named Hellenic Restoration Group (HRG), known to Hellenes/Greeks as ΟΕΑ or “Ομάς Ελληνικής Αποκαταστάσεως”. It is said that several of its members were former ‘high end’ Secret Society dissidents who left their Orders once they discovered their true nature.
Better funded, the theosophists functioned via multiple representatives and myriads of publications, while the latter functioned with only one visible member and several others 'in the gray zone,' and their publications were much less formal, mainly via photocopied information, and - later - allied independent websites.
Sorting the Information Warfare
The public information warfare between the two groups included intentionally conflicting information so as to disorient one another, which created much confusion to those who observed the exchange. I happened to be among the people who kept an eye on this conflict, which lasted for over 18 years.
Between the years 2002 and 2005, I gathered what information I could and decided to step back so that I could try to verify or debunk what was written.
For that purpose, I started purchasing whatever sources I could find. The older, the better. From House Teubner’s original “Dialogues of Plato” to the historical-scientific publications of Davlos and anything in-between. Including any religious texts that seemed to have been relevant.
To my surprise, the more recent publications contained inaccuracies, mistranslations and omissions when compared to their older counterparts. This was evidence enough to understand that our historical references, and by extension history itself, was slowly being altered.
If Hellenic history was being altered at the source, during modern times, I can only imagine what would happen the further one travelled away from it.
Over the past 2,000 years, ancient scriptures changed, buildings were destroyed, drawings and other artifacts ‘disappeared’. Thankfully, some old and ancient historical and mythological references were preserved. However, one last thing came to be of much more value to help with my understanding: anthropology. Regardless of the number of genocides our world has encountered, the DNA tends to leave an evident trail, even to this day.
Why on Earth would I need anthropology? You may ask.
To trace population movements that can support the military campaigns of the past.
For the record, I will briefly address the scholars’ claims of the Indo-European race. It did not happen the way they describe it. However, I shall expand on it in another post.
After years of going through the information warfare material, the publications of Davlos, the works of Ioannis Passas (the deciphering of the Orphic Hymns and the Real Prehistory), the works of Plato and Plutarch, references of the Encyclopedia of Helios (and here), along with publicly information available on the Internet, I was able to reach a viable conclusion. A war that changed our Earth, forever.
The Path toward the Great War
According to the writings of both Orpheus and Plato, the stellar observations go as back as 11,835 BC/BCE, where we encounter descriptions of the Earth having two equal seasons, Summer and Winter, only.

During these initial observations, the Sun is described to have been clear, with no reference of any eclipses. The first solar eclipse was recorded by the Chinese in 2,159 BC/BCE. It is also worthwhile to mention that there are ancient Chinese depictions of the Earth being a flat square, surrounded by a vast sea, and covered by a “dome sky.” That should offer a clue per to the origins of the “Flat Earth” theory.
A Looming Corruption
Plato speaks of a corruption that was taking over Atlantis, a form of deviance from the natural laws, thus losing connection with the rest of the world, especially their brother nation of Aegis.
Aegis, ruled by a city some call ‘proto-Athens’ (Athens or Athena was its actual name even during that time), covered an area from today's Gibraltar all the way to the Middle East.
During that time, the Mediterranean was a valley and not a sea. On the other hand, the majority of the Sahara region was then known as the Ethiopian (African) Gulf.
Plutarch makes good references on the geography of that era. The Caspian Sea, or Caspian Pelagos, was different than the giant lake next to Caucasus we have today. The sea on the other side, was the Cronean (Saturnian) Sea.
The Origins of the Corruption
Something else Plutarch mentions, alongside the Arcadians (also referenced as Pre-Lunar) is that around that time, the Moon appeared in the sky. However, they weren’t the only ones. Democritus, Anaxagoras, Aristotle, Aristochius, Hesychius, Dionysius Chalcidensis, Lucian, Hippolytus, Apollonius of Rhodes, Empedocles, Censorinus and others have confirmed it. It’s a long list.
Chronologically, this coincides with an appearance of the “Beast” in the book of ΙΩΒ, or JOB. The “Beast” refers to the mythological Leviathan, a gigantic Dragon whose armor was impenetrable. In the previous post, we established that this Leviathan is in fact the Moon.
On the ancient occultism, Orpheus mystics describe the Moon as the “Gorgon’s Head.”

Where else have we encountered the type of head above? Ah, yes, Medusa. She appears in the myth of Perseus and Andromeda.
Thus, what we have here is a connection between Medusa and Gorgon. Could the Moon be Medusa? No.
Let us attempt to decipher elements of the Perseus and Andromeda myth.
According to the text itself, Hermes granted Perseus a curved sword and a winged horse. If you read the post about the usage of nuclear devices during the Bronze Age of Humanity (8,255 BC/BCE - 3,615 BC/BCE), it is only logical to conclude that the Golden Age (up until 9,650 BC/BCE) would have an even more significant level of technology. Thus, we can safely call the “winged horse” was not an actual horse, but a flight capable vessel.
Additionally, Homer, who Aristotle claims was born around 3,100 BC/BCE, described “the chariots of the gods” taking off and landing like some form of craft capable of flight. Mind you, this was during the technologically inferior Iron Age, examples of which we presented in this post. If we also add the famous Vimanas of the Hindu and Sanskrit epics that were capable of air and space flight, you get the idea.
Back to the myth of Perseus, before he left “into the darkness”, which could easily be translated for “space”, Hermes gave him a helmet that would make him “invisible”. This could be translated as a “cloaking device.”
So, where did Perseus go? Where was Medusa located? Once we take all the previous parameters into effect, it was not in a cave.
The most interesting part is what happened after Perseus returned. His initial assault mission became a rescue mission, to save Andromeda. Upon his arrival, Perseus encountered the Titan Atlas.
Who was Atlas? The first ruler of Atlantis, and son of the Titan Iapetus, which the book of Job calls Japheth.
The myth says that Perseus defeated Atlas, which caused the wrath of Poseidon and the unleash of a “sea monster” the Ceto/Cetus and gigantic waves.
There are several references of the name Ceto in mythology, thus, one that could cause a massive catastrophe would be the primordial deity. What is also interesting is that Ceto was the father of Medusa.
Another aspect in many myths is that the word “father” often means “leader” and ruler”. Thus, Medusa may not have been a person, but a place. And since Perseus entered the darkness of space, it could easily translate to a planet. A planet where Ceto was the ruler of.
One thing we should also take notice of is that Gaia, in mythology, meant earth or solid matter, while Pontus, was water. Gaia and Pontus were the parents of Ceto. Offsprings of such combinations tend to be serpents.
And as the ancient Bible says, the serpents were not simple snakes, they were dragon serpents, hence Dragons.
Therefore, the time Atlantis waged war on the World through the Dragon-Serpent Ceto, coincides with:
The Arrival of Leviathan, AKA the Moon
Both Leviathan and Ceto were initially described to be sea serpents. However, if we are to take the older version of the descriptions and our research here, neither lived in the actual sea. They were both Dragons.
Additionally, since the Leviathan is the Moon, we can conclude that “the sea” is not the body of water, but the vastness of space.

All contemporary depictions of the Leviathan follow the above structural design. Do you know which other Dragon looks like that? You guessed it. The Chinese Imperial Dragon.

In the next part, we shall speak of the main aspects of the Aegean-Atlantean war, the destruction, the evacuations, the population movements throughout Esperia/America, and the founding of China, alongside the clandestine involvement with all the above.