There is an undeniable reality in our world. The higher one looks in the structure of power, the more obscure the information is. We, as people, have been fed so much distraction, disinformation, and propaganda, that we have become ideologically subverted and unable to come to sensible conclusions.
To paraphrase Yuri Bezmenov said in his famous 1984 interview, the subversion will reach to such an extend, that people will no longer believe the truth even when they stare at the proof.
The reality of it is that proof flies by and very few seem to notice. In the more obscure cases, ‘coincidences’ pile up to offer us a good indicator or - at the very least - a warning.
If we are subject to so much information noise and distractions in regards to our planet, imagine what is happening beyond our atmosphere.
“Why does that matter? We have our own problems down here.” One would correctly claim. However, if you go through the connected articles of this SubStack, you will come to a sensible realization that our problems began the era, as Plutarch, the Arcadians, and the Tiwinaku describe, when the Moon arrived over our planet.
You can find the full video of the above clip here.
If the above sounds like a crazy theory, it is mainly because of the really ridiculous theories and claims made by mainly paid actors who are tasked to derail any discoveries or even suspicion regarding the real status quo.
Science, technology, religion, medicine, history, all have sustained alterations to support the slave narrative for humanity. We see this become even more prevalent with the attempts at establishing Feudalism 2.0 for the elites and Serfdom for us.
Occult Narratives
Lately new scriptures have been surfacing and the Order of Jesuits is doing a good job at promoting them. Namely, The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Enoch, and others.
Before them, we had the stories of Zachariah Sitchin, and even prior to him, the Theosophic approach of Helena Blavatsky. Between the two, there is a third author that somewhat approaches the subject with a bit of a more ‘clear’ view. His name is Raymond Drake. These narratives don’t get all things wrong, but they don’t get them entirely right either. However, as expected, the occult side was quick to disorient the researchers by creating insane theories. These are what ridiculed the subject of space, other civilizations, and our very origins as a species.
Despite their ‘misfiring’ there are some truths in there, mixed with pre-established narratives, much like the video below (one of the ‘cleaner’ from the influences I have seen), which you can find here.
I have encountered my share of these kind of scenarios in Greece, as I mentioned in a prior post. On the rest of the Western World, the most notable are the following:
The Flat Earth
As you can see, I am beginning with a hearty laugh. The Flat Earth concept has existed in the Ancient Chinese belief system, where they portrayed our planet as a flat square, surrounded by a dome. The Bible calls it the ‘Firmament’.
This approach violates an untold number of Universal Laws per the structure of the Universe and its zero-point densities and gravity wells. Additionally, there is zero justification for the purpose of such a structure of apocalyptic levels of power requirements. We are talking about beyond-mega-Dyson-Sphere energy demands to maintain a 510 million square kilometers of land, plus the air above it, not to mention the fictitious dome.
The Firmament is not a solid barrier. It is a ‘no-go’ region of space. It is the ‘Dead Zone’ which I will address further down this article.
The Galactic Federation of Light
Let us all bask in the light of an alien civilization of pure light, love, and kindness! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. No, there is no such thing. This belief is a precursor of a New Age religion brought to us by the same Priest Orders that first created the Pantheon in the ancient times.
In the cosmos there is no concept of Good and Evil, Light and Dark. Not in the way we perceive them via the dualistic system. There is the concept of Healthy versus Sick. This expands to ethos versus corruption.
This category consists mainly of people who are hopeful believers, due to no fault of their own. All I can say, for the time being, is that there is something almost equivalent, just not what they have been communicated.
Ascension to the 5th Dimension
This is a mouthful and it subsequently rhymes.

In truth, there is much confusion about it. Some claim that this 5th Dimension is like a ‘radio station’ that one can simply ‘tune in’ with their consciousness. Others claim that we will be ‘shedding’ our bodies to ‘elevate’ ourselves into that Dimension.
Then, there are those who claim that there will be two different realities where the ‘ascended’ ones will ‘shift’ to the new world, while the rest will remain in the old.
My apologies, but this is what I call an incoherent ‘wishy-washy’ approach.
To begin with, nobody defines what their said ‘dimension’ is. Thus, allow me to fill in the blank here.
There are two categories of Dimensions. The Spatial and the Density ones.
On the Spatial area, our Universe is 3D as in With, Height, Depth. Tesseracts, Penthacts, Exacts, etc. rely on the nature and structure of the respective universe. Though Tesseracts can be mathematically calculated and visualized they do not apply to the basic principles of our specific universe.
On the Density area, this is where we do have multiple dimensions. They all begin from an initial entropic state of Neutrons, to advance to Gaseous, Liquid and then form the Solid states. The last ones are the first 3 stages of structured energy where its atomic bonds are strong enough to enforce distances among them that are smaller than the size of a photon.
This is important as our sight only captures the deflected photons to form the image of our environment. If the distances between the atoms were bigger than the size of the photons, that ‘object’ would be rendered invisible to the naked eye.
Each of the aforementioned states (Neutron, Gaseous, Liquid, Solid) has three main categories of 144 stages each. Some researchers separate these stages into so-called Races (R) and Sub-Races (SR). With that in mind, an entropic Neutron state ‘object’ requires a 3 x 12R x 12SR stages before it enters the Gaseous form. I have no way of verifying the lengths, but it is said that the length of each SR is approximately 432,000 Earth Years.
Researchers who have delved into the matter, some via the Yuga Cycles and others via the Akasha Archives (or so they claim), they place humanity at the following phase:
Solid 3 - Race 12 - Sub-Race 6
Note that ‘objects’ or sentient beings of any Solid phase have the capacity to utilize all former entropic states of energy/matter (Neutron, Gaseous/Air, Liquid). Things tend to become more complicated once we advance past the Solid phase.
Hopefully, this hasn’t made your minds explode. This has been my attempt to simplify an extremely complex matter, which - I admit - I haven’t delved much into. The reason I made this very brief mention is the following:
S3 - R12 - SR6 is very close to the SE1 - R1 - SR1, where SE is Structured Energy. Structured Energy is our soul. Notice that not all souls are of the same age or phase of evolution.
After the establishment of the first structured state out of entropy, the dimensions of Matter Density begin. From that point on, all entities (for the lack of a better term) enter a ‘reverse’ evolutionary stage via increasing the distance between their atoms to allow space for higher frequencies and harmonic vibrations.
Being close to the edge of our current dimension, which is the 3rd on the scale of density (growing less dense), our bodies are already in a transitory state, where they can be hosts to 4th dimension entities, AKA souls.
The difference between our dimension and the soul’s dimension is the increase of distances between the atoms that essentially increase the perceived volume of the soul by 10 in the 6th power (1,000,000 million times) at max. I say at max because structured energy is not rigid, but acts in a directed ‘fluidic’ manner like a sentient and finite electromagnetic field.
More advanced soul-entities of even higher matter dimensions can occupy the ‘mega-cells’ of our universe, hence the Gaia Hypothesis, with its electromagnetic fields, the Hartmann Lines, etc.
Unlike our physical existence that follows a genetic evolution path via reproduction, the soul level evolves as a singular entity in perpetuity. Thus, our bodies’ ability to host such levels of evolution (and be close to that phase themselves) is extraordinary.
Before making everyone’s brain explode further, I will try to shorten everything to the most condensed version.
Our Physical Bodies = Edge of 3rd Dimension of Evolution
Our Souls = Variable Stage of 4th Dimension of Evolution
Every Dimension can communicate/affect the one below it via technology
Every Dimension may protect itself from the one above it via technology
Interaction of any kind between Dimensions of 2 or more levels apart is impossible.
Those who claim to be receiving messages from the 5th Dimension are receiving them via technological projections into their souls, which they then have to interpret. This is the best-case scenario. What is more probable is that they become physical antennas, especially during the Theta Wave brain activity, which makes them susceptible to audiovisual transmissions and electromagnetic stimuli.
Alien Abductions and the Simulation Theory
This is another gigantic chapter in on its own. Many of us have heard about this genetic research from time to time. It is only half true.
I have encountered theories from insiders who claim that we - as humans - are lab rats that were ‘forgotten’. Really?!
Earlier we broke down the phases of evolution. Our physical bodies alone have been traversing that scale for 743,904,012 Earth years as of today. If we add the cross-over with the evolutionary path of our souls, the ‘oldest’ of us can be an entity of 1.68 billion Earth years. Even by the most lenient approach, we have existed in the solid state for approximately 184,032,012 years. Did they ‘forget’ us for that long?
The ‘brilliant’ excuse this theory claims is that we - somehow - evolved to have individuality, creativity, and innovativeness that the ‘collectiveness’ of other species do not have (!). Thus, they want to ‘re-study’ us. This is where the entire ‘simulation’ narrative comes in as well, but from a different perspective. In short, the simulation is being done to see how we are evolving and learn from us. Again, it is only half the truth.
Do I know the whole truth? Most definitely, no. However, in most cases, all it takes is simple logic.
Has anyone noticed that the abductees are essentially all White? Either from the Pelasgian or the Dravidian ancestry. In our article series, we explained their ‘Earth-based’ origins, not the extended ones. We also established that our DNA is only 2% active, something that is recently being reported in scientific circles.
What is not being reported much as of yet, is the capacity of the DNA of the Pelasgian and Dravidian population descendants to self-repair. This form of ‘genetic contingency’ is especially stronger within the masculine population. Are you starting to see the real ‘trouble’ of the straight White males? Or the DNA-targeting jabs and the poisoning foods?
The abductions, yes, they have been targeting the Pelasgian and Dravidian populations in order to study our genetic traits. So, the claims of the insiders here are true. The abductions were made to indeed study our capability for our DNA to overpower adversity and create people who are strong and creative individuals, capable of - eventually - eradicating any intermixes.
What we are not told is that it has nothing to do with ‘improving’ the ET races themselves and everything to do with creating their own subservient races. This is because, as of now, they can only create obedient ‘machines’ capable of production, but not innovation. Copying, but not creativity. Development of pre-existing concepts, but not the creation of new ones.
At this point, it is noteworthy to mention claims by a few researchers. This, I cannot verify, so take it with a pinch of salt. It is said that the main reason of the abductions is for the aliens to accelerate the evolution of their engineered species to swiftly become capable of hosting souls, which is also said to offer them a quantum tether to the souls’ birth stars. In short, energy harvesting.
If we were simple lab rats or went by the “Zoo Hypothesis” - then why is the following part happening?
The ‘Dead Zone’
On October 26th of 2000, the European Southern Observatory in an article that has since been deleted, but can still be found here, spoke of a strange discovery of ‘new moons’ around the orbit of Saturn.
What is extremely important is that the diameter of the telescopes used was of 2.2 meters in width, which is the exact same as they have been using since the 1960s. Thus, the claim that the new moons were discovered due to new and advanced telescopes is simply not true.

Reading from the original article:
“The computations show that these moons are of the type that is referred to by astronomers as 'irregular', as they revolve around the giant planet in somewhat unstable, changing (i.e., 'irregular') orbits.”
So, what the heck is this all about?
When I talked with a former US Military Information Warfare Lieutenant Colonel, his first question was: “What is the Dead Zone?”
He wanted to learn what I knew. After I responded, he was surprised to corroborate that his insider, who disclosed allegedly classified information, said the same thing.
There is a region between Jupiter and Saturn where two fleets face one another. One in the solar orbit of Jupiter, in defensive formation, and one in the solar orbit of Saturn, in attack formation.
“What the heck?!” You might ask yourself. “Are we going to be under attack?”
As I warned in the beginning, this is not for the average person.
Another question some of you may be asking is the following:
“Is this related to Project Blue Beam?”
The short answer is yes. The long answer has a much deeper cause, which I may disclose at a later post.
Here is as far as my information and research goes.
Originally, in 1979, then in 1985, and lastly in 1989, initial reports came out of Greece via the clandestine research group I previously mentioned as HRG that we briefly referenced in a past article. In the beginning of 2000s, these reports started to include schematics and maps, one of which is still being used today in ET videos. The narrators think it is a map of the ‘hollow Earth’. It is not. It is a tactical overview and plans of our Hyper Solar system and the spread of the fleets around the ‘Dead Zone’. Actually, there are two maps that I am attaching below.

What is worthwhile to mention here is that the HRG organization was founded by Greece’s Field Marshal (Highest Military General) Alexander Papagos in the 1940s. Thus, whatever information they put out to the public, I have learned the hard way, is not fiction. As to why they are a clandestine group, think. How many real whistleblowers of this magnitude actually survive nowadays?
Following the dates these schematics, among others, were released, Hollywood scrambled to discredit them. In 2002, the film “Signs” by M. Night Shyamalan was released. In it, there was a scene within a car, where Jaquin Phoenix and Mel Gibson were discussing about the signals the young kid (Morgan) was trying to monitor. Below is the original shooting script scene (ignore the dot com reference in the dialogue).

And below is how the scene was altered during production.
“Analyzed Greek mythology and made up secret societies”? Is this or is this not a direct reference to the HRG? Could it be because there is an alternative approach to the entire ET narrative that is not approved by the occult? If this was nothing or just imagined, why would Hollywood go through the process of trying to ‘debunk’ it?
Notice that one of the producers of the film is Frank Marshal, whose wife is Kathleen Kennedy. Yes, the same Kathleen who brought down Star Wars. Both have founded a company called Amblin Entertainment, alongside with Steven Spielberg. For those who know, you get the idea.
Hellenic/Greek mythology, which - as we analyzed extensively - originally comes from Mito-Logia, which translates to ‘encoded knowledge’. Hence, when that information started to get out, the film attacked it directly.
Yes, Hellas/Greece is much closer to ground-zero of ancient and very ancient events, with its language being closer to the one spoken a very long time ago. On the opposite side, the English language is a derivative that has gone through numerous transformations and has therefore been disconnected from our ancient origins. Therefore, people who use the English language to linguistically and etymologically breakdown meanings offers no meaningful recourse. It is what it is.
Thus, today, the mainstream narrative we have on the events in our solar system has one common source. The controlled occult. The Hellenic/Greek version that emerged within the last few decades is outside that system. Hence, it is fought against, obscured, or outright banned, so that only one narrative exists - in its different forms.
So, what constituted the ‘Dead Zone’?
Prior to the mid 19th century AD/CE (1800s), that region AKA ‘the Firmament’ was relatively quiet, and was between the orbits between Saturn and Uranus. During that time,“increases of vessels” were allegedly reported approaching the orbit of Uranus, with more approaching through the northern pole of our Solar System.
By that time, humanity was moving slow in its development, mainly by using steam power. After this alleged report, our technological discoveries went on overdrive. After thousands of years riding horses, in less than 200 years, we were talking about terraforming Mars.
In the late 1960s to mid 1970s, more vessels were allegedly reported to have arrived in the Uranus orbit and then the ‘unexpected’ happened. The entire ‘Dead Zone’ moved from the orbit zone between of Saturn & Uranus to the orbit zone between Jupiter and Saturn.
Subsequently, Normal R. Bergrun, a research scientist for NASA (12 years) and later a Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (later known as Lockheed Martin), became a whistleblower and published a book called “The Ringmakers of Saturn”, which depicts evidence of vessels approximately 7,000 miles long, repairing the rings of Saturn. It’s as if that planet experienced a cataclysmic warfare.
In 1987, exactly one year after Bergrun published his book, then President Ronald Reagan made his famous remarks on the UN floor, about how people of Earth would put their differences aside if they faced “an alien threat outside of this world.”
In the above video, Reagan makes a curious reference of “isn’t an alien force already among us?” Does he speak of the government agreements performed by the US and other governments to allow ‘abductions’ in return for advanced technology? If so, what would this advanced technology be used for?
For one thing is certain. Our advancement in technology is not in par to our advancement in consciousness or understanding. That last part is, unfortunately, lacking. Additionally, with the rampart evolution of the AI, we are at a disadvantage.
So far, this space military standoff has been verified by multiple sources, but the public still remains blissfully unaware. Additionally, the disclosures that are taking place do not even touch this subject. The same is true for the various speakers of the UFO/UAP phenomenons. My guess is that the people involved are not ‘fed’ the full picture as there is far too much at stake.
Thus, I will end with this:
As far as my information goes, Earth and its people are prisoners of war. It is why our information and our view beyond our solar system are controlled and concealed. The real question is, do we want to know and - above all - understand why?
And another question I will pose here is this:
What on Earth is happening to Antarctica?
There is a reasonable explanation to all of this. However, it requires a person to have an open mind. For what we are fed is nowhere near to what is happening.
If you want me to continue down this path, just say the word.
Otherwise, I will stick to the Earth-bound history and also say no word on how our planets, due to the destroyed gravitational balance of our solar system, are spiraling toward the Sun in their course of an eventual annihilation.
Starting to wonder why the elites are building bunkers while Elon wants to desperately colonize Mars?
To answer your question, yes, we want to know and understand what is happening in space and in Antartica. Now, to ask one, is there, on HFG map mention of a 2003-2012 war? Meaning, fleets are not just facing each other on standby, there was an actual war in recent years and how is it possible that we on Earth weren't able to notice a thing? As I asked the last question, the answer presented itself. They have such an advanced technology; it is easy to shield it from our view. Simple as that.
Well, I had a feeling for a long time that we are on a prison planet, now you opened a possibility that we are prisoners of war, non the less we are in prison, either way. My new question is, do we stand a chance to liberate ourselves while still in physical bodies in this lifetime? It seems a long stretch, unless there is some sort of " a divine intervention". Well, we will see or do we have to create it. Interesting times, indeed.
So…Can you please help me understand why such a vile race (dracs) have apparently been able to steal kill and destroy for millennia without being wholly culled by whoever is in charge of all of this?!…
Why would it even be allowed to get this far? It sounds like a never ending disaster and is quite a depressing prospect. So we just continue to get tortured and murdered over and over again while our help is for some reason unable to finish them off?
I personally hope this is not true because it is frankly horrifying.