What is this publication about?
Everything you will read here is about lifting the veil that has enslaved our planet for a really long time. When I say ‘really long’ I mean approximately 7,313 years as of today, 2024.
It will focus on breaking down mythology, combining it with historical references, archaeological findings, and testimonies/researches to bring you, at the very least, a decent approximation per to our situation on our Earth today.
To understand where we are going, we first need to know where we come from.
Everything we see in the dark agenda of the WEF and other clandestine operations rely on one basic pillar of control. A pyramid of power.
The posts here contain a multitude of puzzle pieces attained over the period of two decades. There may be inaccuracies, but all shall be corrected once more pieces come together. Nothing is absolute. We grow forever learning.
Essentially, this publication will serve as to build a “Pillar of Knowledge” and reference for the future.
Why subscribe?
What you will find here is not available anywhere else. This publication is not a copy and not a plagiarism of anything else. The research behind it is intense and requires understanding of a massive amount of information prior to our age. As such, it demands a form of synchronization to the actual way of thinking of past civilizations, as well as to how they intended their language to be used.
I have no intention to make this as a source of income, thus what is and will be posted here is out of genuine concern for our world. If I add a paid subscription, it will create an obligation within me to keep on writing, without having enough time to vet everything properly. I do not wish to pass on weak information.
Will this publication exist perpetually?
Once the “Pillar of Knowledge” is complete, this publication may either cease to be updated or shift focus to cover major events that are a direct outcome of that Pillar.
Time will tell.