After a series putting back pieces of history together, decoding mythology, and delivering a timeline that brought us to this predicament, I believe it is time for me to ‘slow down’ and focus on what was ‘predicted’ for the End of Days we are experiencing.
David Icke, a guy who I am very cautious about, said one thing right:
“When you know the End Game, you can see the journey.”
Naturally, there is an ‘End Game’ to it all, though it’s nothing like what many imagine. If that part is to ever pass, our planet will become desolate and void of life in its entirety. It is not something that hasn’t been done before, but I will not dive into it.
Being awake is, unfortunately, not enough. It means people are starting to notice, but still lack the fundamentals of direction, of knowing and understanding what is happening and why. Reaching that last level is what is called ‘reaching Consciousness.’
Will humanity ever reach that level? Perhaps. Will it happen soon? I don’t believe so. There is too much de-programming that needs to take place first.
However, first things first.
The Predictions
One thing I learned during the years of my research is that ‘prophecy is a bad guide for the future.’ The reason is that when people hear about some old figure ‘prophesying’ something, they subconsciously gravitate toward that outcome. Therefore, prophecy can be a doctrine’s weapon to lead the masses toward a desired, most likely pre-determined outcome.
Hesiod predicted the return of Zeus. Christianity predicted the return of Jesus. Judaism predicted the return of their Messiah, whoever that may be, as he’s named “Melekh Mashiach.” Islam predicted the coming of the “Mahdi,” also known as the “Guided One.”
Unlike the ominous message of all the above predictions, Hesiod has a different approach. Not to mention, his words came long before all others.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity speak of the End of the World, where only the ‘chosen ones’ survive and attain eternal life - with the allotted traits described in each holy book. In short, they speak of rewards and complete death and punishment for all the rest.
Hesiod, however, speaks of the destruction of the morally corrupt and the return of justice and ethos. Thus, his aftermath is not of death, but a different continuation of life.
Last, but not least, there is the last prediction of the Pythia Nikandra from the Oracle of Delphi, in 367 AD/CE. According to her:
“This shall come to pass, when Apollo returns and stays forever’ - Pythia’s last prediction.
So, what is we are headed toward?
The Dogmatic Version
Christianity and Islam speak about the ‘rise of the dead.’ Does that sound like a ‘zombie apocalypse?’ How will that even look like?
Let’s break down some of the elements via John’s Revelations.
John offers some really gory details. In verses 19-17 and 19-18, the Angel of God calls upon the ‘birds’ to eat the flesh of Kings, Captains, Horses, Riders, Free People, and Slaves. What kind of entity would command such a thing? What are these ‘birds’?
In the original Revelations, they are called ‘Vultures’ (ορνέις = όρνια = vultures), while the ‘Birds’ are of a different translation (πτηνά = birds). You can see both the original (Greek) and the English translation below.
In the 9:16 verse, there is a description of the army of 200,000,000 soldiers that wore armaments of red, blue and gold, with heads of horses, looking like lions, with smoke of sulphur coming out of their mouths. Looking like horse-lions is a description that approaches the head of the traditional Chinese Dragon. Breathing sulphur smoke (from fire) attests to that.

Verse 16-12 tells us that the Angels shall build the road for the army that will originate from the land of the rising sun. Now, that sounds awfully like China, again. However, there may be those who say that “Land of the Rising Sun” means Japan. Note, Japan does not have a 200 million-strong army, mentioned in the 9-16 verse that are set to ‘kill one third of mankind’ (verse 9-15). Nor is the Dragon their symbol.
However, we are dealing with yet another mistranslation. The English version says “the kings of the east,” which is false.
The original text speaks of “των βασιλέων των από ανατολής ηλίου” which translates to “the kings from the (land of the) rising sun.”
Another thing worth mentioning is that the events in the Revelations are not in order. If you read the Revelations in full, you will notice that the timeline is fragmented. There is no continuity and John jumps around as if John is… under some sort of influence (?).
Let us continue.
Many of you may be familiar with the famous 144,000 chosen Jews in the 7-4 verse, who will receive a ‘brand’ on their foreheads before the land and the sea are utterly destroyed (one of the acts of turning the Earth into an uninhabitable planet).
Again, we are dealing with an intentional (?) mistranslation of the word “sealed.” The literal translation per the context is “σφραγίσωμεν” which means “brand”. Thus, the “Slaves of our God” will be “branded on their foreheads.”
Hold on, isn’t there a reference that this type of branding is associated with the Mark of the Beast? Some fundamentalist groups are quick to describe this as a ‘satanic parody’. However, this is proven to be false, as verse 13-16 clearly states that one place for the ‘Mark of the Beast’ is a forehead branding.
Is John contradicting himself or is there something else at play?
And if there will be only 144,000 chosen Jews branded, what will happen to the rest? And how are they connected to the 200,000,000 Chinese soldiers?
In Verses 16-3 and 16-4, we read about two Angels who pour poison in the sea and the rivers, turning water turns into blood, exterminating all life. Wait, what?! Murdering non-human life as well? This is starting to sound like an act of a criminal, not a benevolent God. With poisoned waters, eventually, there will be no human or animal left. A complete and total genocide on a planetary level.
So, what about the non-Jews? Are we doomed by default to destruction?
According to John’s Revelations, no matter what fundamentalists try to convince you, there is no reference to non-Jews being saved. Only 1% of Jews will be ‘saved’ or so they may think. Speaking of that percentage, there is a rumor going on that 99% of the 1% of the super rich ‘elites’ are Jews. If there is any truth to that, every other Jewish person is pretty much doomed like the rest of us. And not even all ‘elite’ Jews are going to make it, according to the Revelations.
And then we have verse 9-11 (!), where the the Angel of the Abyss, what the Jews call Abaddon, bear the name of Apollyon, also known as Apollo.
Why on Earth is there so much hatred for the Hellenic? Is this why the doctrine has created the word ‘Hell’ in the first place to be something evil?
Speaking of Hellenic, let us see the other side.
The Hellenic Approach
The Hellenes/Greeks never spoke of a massive destruction or a genocide. They especially never mentioned of the poisoning of the waters or the annihilation of the planet’s fauna and flora. We only have two references to a form of ‘second coming.’
As I mentioned in a previous post, Hesiod’s prediction in his writing of “Work and Days,” along the lines 170 to 201, was the following:
“The father will not agree with his children, nor the children with their father, nor guest with his host, nor comrade with comrade; nor will brother be dear to brother as aforetime. Men will dishonor their parents as they grow quickly old, and will carp at them, chiding them with bitter words, hard-hearted they, not knowing the fear of the gods. They will not repay their aged parents the cost their nurture, for might shall be their right: and one man will sack another's city. There will be no favor for the man who keeps his oath or for the just or for the good; but rather men will praise the evil- doer and his violent dealing. Strength will be right and reverence will cease to be; and the wicked will hurt the worthy man, speaking false words against him, and will swear an oath upon them.”
“Envy, foul-mouthed, delighting in evil, with scowling face, will go along with wretched men one and all. And then Aidos and Nemesis, 6 with their sweet forms wrapped in white robes, will go from the wide-pathed earth and forsake mankind to join the company of the deathless gods: and bitter sorrows will be left for mortal men, and there will be no help against evil.”
Notice the second passage above. Aidos (morality) and Nemesis (justice) will abandon the Earth due to the overwhelming evil. What it tells us is that the world will be one without morals, without justice.
Does all the above look like this has already been happening?
Hesiod precedes that text with:
“And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth.”
“This race of mortal men” refers to the ones Hesiod describes later. The evil-doers who forsake justice and morality.
The last part of “grey hair on the temples at their birth” means that humanity’s life expectancy will be far too short. This is something we also referenced in a previous post, where humanity had a vastly extensive life expectancy.
Hesiod’s entire prediction is followed by Pythia’s omen, nearly 1,200 years later.
Are you noticing the differences between the two forms of predictions?
The Dogmatic one goes as far as to ‘kill a third of mankind’ and poison to kill all life in the waters and destroy the Earth. This is something that will eventually render our entire planet lifeless. On Verse 9-12, we also see the destruction of one third of the Sun, one third of the Moon, and one third of all the Stars. If that is not a massive and indiscriminate annihilation of life, I don’t know what is.
On the other hand, Hesiod and Pythia speak of the destruction of the immoral and the criminals, with the return of light, morality, and justice. Which part would you like to see happen?
It is no secret that we are being ushered toward these ‘End of Days’ scenario. Thus, my question would be, ‘why the hurry?’ What is really going on?
Argentina’s President Javier Miley recently called for the demolition of the Al Aqsa Mosque, which is considered the third holier in Islam, in order to build the third Temple of Solomon and bring in the ‘Messiah.’
Are we indeed looking at prophecies, at least in the dogmatic circles, or are they actual plans? The way events are unfolding, I am leaning toward the latter. As I mentioned in the very beginning, ‘prophecy is a bad guide for the future.’ If you think deeper about it, he was right. When confronted with prophecies, people tend to gravitate toward their outcome, consciously or subconsciously.
Either we are paying attention or not, disclosures are happening all around us at an accelerated rate. However, not many reach the average person, as the level of distractions and psychological operations (PsyOps) is through the stratosphere. Information Warfare Specialists admit that what they are witnessing has surpassed any wartime operation they ever experienced.
It would appear we are being pushed toward a grand scale ‘End Game.’ What is most important is the speed with which we are being pushed.