What Great Things?
For the longest time, we have been told that we come from the caves. Others try to take ownership of our spiritual needs and guide us according to their agendas. Last, but not least, we have the aspiring ‘overlords’ who wish to utilize the ignorance or the distortion of our institutions to make us more… manageable.
Have you ever wondered what you might discover if you ever left that box?
So, why am I doing this?
In August of 2001 I ‘received’ my first ‘Red Pill’. It was a book that spoke of the Hellenes, also known as Greeks (big story), having ‘their DNA awakened’ by the year 2011, and with a population of 100 million worldwide. Once that part would be complete, then we would be joining the ‘Olympians’ that would then return to bring light back on Earth.
Thankfully, it took less than a year to realize that this book was propaganda with some very clandestine agendas behind it. Soon, I found out that there was an entire publishing operation behind it, and the accredited author was a person unable to write a single word himself. Thus, someone was using a shell of a person to pass on an overall strange message. Why?
The truth behind the propaganda
Naturally, none of the claims of that book ever came to pass, which was expected. How did I get to know that?
From 1987 to 1993, I took extracurricular lessons in literature, Ancient Greek, and essay composition (in Greek). As a result, I was able to read the original ancient texts books like the book above claimed to have all the answers. Guess what. Nothing from what they claimed was real.
Additionally, I was able to find people who were of the same mindset. Something was off with that entire literature. Before I knew it, I discovered that there was a long fight between two clandestine sides. One being from the theosophic masonry and the other being a secretive patriotic movement.
For a little while, I almost found myself right in the middle of these things, for which I was pretty much unprepared. In the end, I had to withdraw for my own sanity. Whatever was going on between them, the world was not ready.
Little did I know that the entire public information warfare that was taking place at the time we would be experiencing it here, in the US, and globally these days.
Thus, part of me is happy that I was able to sort through much of that information and vet what I possibly could. However, I shall always maintain the question mark in me. As the saying goes:
“Question is the mother of freedom.”
I do remember this was said during the ancient times, but the name of the person who wrote this down eludes me, at the moment.
What to expect from this Substack?
I have been a silent observer and researcher for over 22 years now. Thus far, I was able to verify information via ancient texts, variable literature throughout the world, interviews, discussions, visiting places, and cross-referencing whatever I could. My ultimate ‘weapon’ has been the mathematical ‘method of termination’. Most theories out there tend to reach a conclusion that contradicts the foundation they were built on. Thus, it is only a matter of time and critical thinking to clear the field.
My goal is to delve into the more obscure parts of history and mythology and see how modern discoveries, proof, or sequence of indications can support them. Every little step will help lift a veil that has been cast upon us not for decades, but for millennia. In the end, I hope to bring to you the Big Picture of who we are, who our enemy is, and what the End Game is.
As far as I am aware, it is way beyond anything you have encountered in both the mainstream and the alternative media. Even the ancient scriptures that attempted to offer us a glance of it, have been altered, edited and mistranslated.
The content that will be presented here will challenge your thinking, perhaps your belief system, but - in the end - I believe it will inspire you.
In the end… history has been repeating itself for the last 11,674 years.
In the end… no ‘overlord’ narrative will be working.
The Continuation
First, I shall begin by transferring a series of essays and posts I made on Twitter/X. I call that ‘The Pillar of Knowledge’ that is composed of fundamental research material to help you understand the more advanced topics I will be covering.
Since Elon’s pledge to Judaism and the rise of censorship on the platform, it may no longer be prudent for me to maintain my archive there. Additionally, as I have discovered lately, I have been ghost-banned, which means that I may be over the target. This means that losing my account may be imminent.
If you wish to learn more…
As Substack keeps on reminding me, on every step, you can subscribe and I promise to bring forth essays of research you will hardly be able to find elsewhere. It is all about the survival of our Western Civilization.
It’s the Big Picture, that extends further than just our Earth.